Can You Give a $1 to The Mothers Institute Today?
The Mothers Institute Needs YOUR help!
We all know that non-profit organizations rely on donations. And we also know that with an uncertain economy, many families are watching their budgets a bit more closely these days.
That said, expenses still go on at The Mothers Institute and donations are still needed! So we've come up with the "Can You Give a $1 Today" idea which hopefully will be do-able for most individual pocketbooks and family budgets.
If all of The Mothers Institute's members, readers and friends would chip in and give just $1, MI would have some much needed funds to help cover our ongoing expenses such as rent, utilities, advertising, educational and promotional workshops/events, office supplies and more.
So, for all the mothers (and others) out there who appreciate the work The Mothers Institute is doing, and can contribute $1 today -- it would be much appreciated!
To give your $1 online, visit our website's homepage at: and click on the "Support The Mothers Institute Today" Donate Button at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for considering this --- and as always your support is greatly appreciated!
Jan Stover
Founder and Director
The Mothers Institute