Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Few Favorite Quotes That Resonate With Radical Responsible Mothering

"Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees."
- J. Willard Marriot

"I live ...
For the cause that lacks assistance,
For the wrong that needs resistance,
For the future in the distance
And the good that I can do."
~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton

"... The point is to live with courage and boldness, in the face of those things that terrify us. The point of life is to live fully, to engage in life with gusto and with faith, instead of quaking and trembling, crippled by anxieties and fears. Life is to be experienced in all of its wonders as the exquisite gift it is, and not missed because you're too scared of what might happen or what you might catch, who might hurt you or how you might lose what you have!"
~ Jeanie Miley, FaithStreams Archives

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."
~ Thomas Paine, 1776

"If you think in seasons, plant cereals. If you think in decades, plant trees. If you think in centuries, educate your children."
- Chinese Proverb